Get your business back on track with a DBJ MSME Recovery Loan!
- Do you want to take your business online?
- Do you have high interest debts that you want to consolidate?
- Do you need working capital?
- Do you want to expand your business?
The Development Bank of Jamaica can help!
The DBJ MSME Recovery Loan is available for:
- Working capital
- Debt consolidation
- Refinancing of:
- Business loans
- Overdrafts
- Credit card business debt
- Purchase of real estate for use by the business
Our DBJ MSME Recovery Loan offers:
Loan Amount - Up to $10,000,000
Interest Rate - 5%
Repayment period - Up to 8 Years
Do you need collateral? The DBJ CEF can help, visit DBJCEF to learn more.
Contact your financial institution and ask about DBJ Go-Digital loan/DBJ MSME Recovery loan.